Our mission is to make composting accessible and affordable by providing a convenient pick up service and using sliding-scale payment options.

If we properly recycled and diverted our organic waste, we could reduce the amount of material going into the landfill by upwards of 70%.

Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Why do it?

  • Benefits the environment by recycling valuable organic resources and extending the life of our landfills.

  • Saves water by helping the soil hold moisture and reducing water runoff.

  • Holds carbon in the ground for longer, instead of releasing it into the atmosphere.

  • Helps garden and house plants by improving the fertility and health of your soil.

Klaus (they/them) grew up and went to college in upstate New York. They quickly found community in the environmental protection groups on and off campus. They were active in the fight to Ban Fracking in NY State, and organized extensively around higher education affordability.

They lived in California, where they saw firsthand the devastating effects of extreme climate change. Always drawn to the Richmond area, Klaus relocated and decided to make composting both easy and accessible by creating Enrich Compost.

The idea is to have people make a conscious choice about their waste. Instead of ending up in the ever shrinking landfill space and polluting the atmosphere, folks can divert their food waste and transform the nutrients into compost to enrich the environment. Enrich Compost is partnering with local businesses and Richmond residents who are ready to do something about the climate and make an impact in their city.

Enrich Compost is proudly Queer owned and operated.

Solidarity Financial Contributions

Each month, Enrich Compost contributes financially to a mutual aid fund or progressive org that aligns with our values and is working on issues that are important. Check out some of the orgs we’ve supported below. #SolidarityNotCharity

Advancing Justice Atlanta, RVA Community Fridges, Mutual Aid Richmond (MADRVA), Feed More, Free them All VA Coalition, Groundwork RVA, Race Capitol,